I can’t get over the fat part.
I would name my firstborn daughter "Fatima" to compliment my name, which also starts with F and has 6 letters.
I've known three Fatima's and every single one of them have been genuinely good women to know. I think of this silly, caring, yet honest person when I hear this name. One of my faves!
Fatima Massaquoi-Fahnbulleh (/ˈmæsækwɑː/; 1911 - 1978) was a Liberian writer and academic. She was born into a family of African royalty. After completing her education in the United States, she returned to Liberia in 1946, making significant contributions to the cultural and social life of the country.
A famous bearer of this name is Fatima from the international K-Pop girl group Blackswan. She is of Senegalese and Belgian descend.
My name is Fatemeh.
One of you said my name is like fat! Well, I must say that not everyone speaks English and I do not have high self-confidence
and today I was upset that you said my name sounds like fat.
But now I understand that the problem is not mine, the problem is the one who allows himself to make fun of someone! Due to my high-level life, I realized that mocking is only for low-level people. Only low level people make fun of others, only low-level people express hatred for no reason.
Therefore, my name is beautiful if you have intellectual maturity!
My name is Fatima and I really don’t like it. I know it has a meaning behind it but I live in the UK where it has the word fat in it and I have been bullied for it. If you are ever thinking of naming your child this, don’t. They will get bullied.
I know a girl named Fatima from my school and she is really nice. She’s a very sensitive girl. Unfortunately, kids bully her and make fun of her name for having the word “fat” in it. I think this name is fine, but a bit too overused.
I don’t understand why people name their kids this. This name is ugly and overused. Don’t name your daughter this, or you’ll risk her being bullied for having the word “fat” in her name.
With 888,793 bearers, Fatima is the 2nd most common feminine given name in Algeria (2014 Data). With 865,542 bearers, Fatima is the 3rd most common feminine given name in Morocco (2014 Data). With 826,558 bearers, Fatima is the 11th most common feminine given name in Pakistan (2014 Data). With 465,127 bearers, Fatima is the 7th most common feminine given name in Iraq (2014 Data). With 351,840 bearers, Fatima is the 7th most common feminine given name in Afghanistan (2014 Data). With 252,191 bearers, Fatima is the 1st most common feminine given name in Oman (2014 Data). With 135,707 bearers, Fatima is the 5th most common feminine given name in Jordan (2014 Data). With 88,545 bearers, Fatima is the 4th most common feminine given name in Lebanon (2014 Data). With 76,087 bearers, Fatima is the 4th most common feminine given name in Palestine (2014 Data). With 62,661 bearers, Fatima is the 4th most common feminine given name in Kuwait (2014 Data). With 32,610 bearers, Fatima is the 1st most common feminine given name in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014 Data). With 19,652 bearers, Fatima is the 1st most common feminine given name in Bahrain (2014 Data). With 12,541 bearers, Fatima is the 8th most common feminine given name in Comoros (2014 Data). Source:
Hello, my name is Fateme. I like my name. This name does not have much religious meaning and literally means "away from the fire". The names Fateme and Fatima are different. This is the name of Drit, which is common in many places, but it is a beautiful name, and many people choose this name for their children.
I do not know why you have such an idea about this name. It is not at all understandable that you say that children with such a name are being abused. Unfortunately, I do not understand that this is not the case at all. I am with this personal name. He judged their names.
I myself am not a religious person but I have a religious name.
I like this name but I think it can be overused sometimes. Overall a good name, just popular!
I don’t like this name. It seems to be quite popular (I live in the UK) but it is an Arabic name. The main thing I don’t like about this name is the “fat” part. It is too noticeable. It makes me think people with the name Fatima (mainly kids) can easily be teased and bullied because of the fat part of their name. This name sounds a bit like “fattiner”.
Fatima is also Swedish. The name day for Fatima in Sweden is August 28.
The "fat" part is too noticeable.
It's beautiful, and I don't even mind the "fat" part.
I also prefer this to Fátima for simplicity's sake.
Don’t like it because of the Fat bit.
I like it but prefer Fatíma, that way the emphasis is not on the unfortunate fat part.
Fatima is also Bengali.Scripts: ফাতেমা (Bengali)Bengali Pronunciation: FA-te-mah.
“Fat” tima, really?!?!
It's beautiful if you have enough maturity to get past the "Fat" part. If your name is Fatima and someone is teasing you for the "Fat" part of your name, it just tells you that whoever is teasing you has a brain smaller than a pea, and you should not listen to them. Associate with nicer people who respect your beautiful name.
Very nice and stylish. I prefer this spelling over Fatimah.Also, earth to namers: drop ALL "fat" connotations!
Fatima bint Asad was mother of Ali ibn Abu Talib and she raised prophet Muhammad after his mother's death.Fatima Kubra bint Husayn (also called Sakina - calm) was daughter of Husayn ibn Ali and great granddaughter of prophet, it is believed she died in prison after Karbala tragedy.
It is a beautiful name.
The first three letters are unfortunate. Plus, it is very religious. It is the Muslim equiplent of Mary, but still a nice name.
It's really pretty but as someone else said, it's extremely religious unfortunately.
Hello! My name is Fatima.. my sisters call me Fatmi. I'm Lebanese and muslim;in Lebanon we also say 'Fatmeh'. My name is of an Arabic origin where not only it's the name of prophet Mohammad's daughter 'Fatima al Zahraa', but also the name of Imam Ali's wife,'Omm al Baneen', that he married after Fatima al Zahraa died. It's actually a beautiful Arabic delicate name that I am in love with. About the bullying thing, in Lebanon there's no such thing as that (it's very rare) unlike in other countries that I am really sorry for, and I pity them; and the fact that it contains the word 'Fat' is just silly where in Arabic there's no such word, except in arabic-Lebanese it means 'enters:فات' that we pronounce 'Fet'.. sorry for those people that find a part of the name depressing, that some letters can actually prevent them from holding or naming the name.
In Lebanon, a Fatima girl can be called, mostly, by the nickname Fattouma which is gorgeous and sometimes my cousins call me 'Fattoush' which is a famous delicious Lebanese salad. I mean come on, in Charles Dicken's famous novel 'David Copperfield' he used 'Fatima' in describing Little Emily that is a beautiful girl. Don't have fears in holding the name, have confidence which is the most important thing. So be proud of holding it ♡Adore it♡.
I love my name. Growing up with this name never was I picked on. Always was told of how beautiful it was. I'm not a mean person, I'm a college student, very outgoing, always helping others. My grandmother gave me my name for many reasons, being that she was half from Spain and half Moroccan. I was the first daughter and because I was born on May 13.
The name Fatima is so beautiful. :)
My name is Fatima. At first I didn't like the name because it was common but now I'm really attached to it. I couldn't imagine being named anything else. People call me 'fatz' all the time, it's just a nickname so I don't know why some people are offended when they are called that.
"Fah-TIM-ah" is the correct pronunciation, NOT "Fah-TEE-mah".
Fatima Robinson, a music video director and choreographer.
My name is Maria Fatima. Fatima in Latin America, Mediterranean countries and Poland is known for being a Christian Catholic name. Someone here said it was of a "muslim princess", I would rather say it belonged to a converted Christian woman of Arabic origin who was very loved in a little town in Portugal that later would be called "Fatima", and it is the same town where our Lady Mary appeared to three little children. I was baptised "Maria de Fatima" (Mary from Fatima). And no one has ever called me "fat" for my name, but some ignorants think that I'm a muslim, even though they see I'm also called Maria. I'm proud to carry this name in honour of my Lady.
Fatima Cigarettes (pronounced fa-TEE-ma) was a brand of cigarette produced in the United States by the Liggett & Myers (L&M) tobacco company.
I hate this name! I know a Fatima and she is very mean. I do feel sorry for all the Fatima's because (this is also why I hate this name) their name has the word fat in it. Do not name your kid this, because they may get teased or feel ashamed about their own name.
I love this name because of Our Lady of Fatima, and it reminds me of a pretty statue of her covered with faux gemstones and glitter with shining Rosary beads and a golden, bright imperial crown atop her head.
I love this name very much. It's quite common where I live. I know six Fatimas, only one of whom, a girl from Lebanon, is Muslim. The others are all Catholic - I think it works well in both Arabic and Portuguese.
Fatima Siad is a Somalian model. She famously came 3rd on Cycle 10 of America's Next Top Model, and has been hugely successful ever since. She continues to model, and is also famed for her activism against female genital mutilation.
Fatima did spread to Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries through Islamic influence, but it originally came from Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)'s daughter's name was Fatima and she was around AD 600. Therefore, the true origins of Fatima is Arabic but it is certainly of Portuguese usage.
The youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was called Fatima and is the most famous bearer of the name, as her name is famed amongst millions of Muslims. Fatima (RA) was also the only offspring of the Prophet (PBUH) who lived to give birth to children. Some of her descendants include the monarchs who presently rule Jordan.
There was a Fatimid dynasty so called because they claimed they were descended from the Prophet's daughter Fatima. Definitely Arabic, the only reason the Portuguese use the name was because they were ruled for hundreds of years by the Muslims. The Fatimids were rulers of Egypt.
Hmm, I think this name is beautiful. Hey, I usually don't like variant spellings but what about this FItima. Fitima! Instead of "fat" make it "fit". And you can use Fifi as a nickname. Cute :)!
Actually it IS of Portuguese usage as well for the person who's saying it's Arabic. It's my mother's middle name, and she's Portuguese. There's a famous town in Lisbon I believe called Fatima. It's used for BOTH Arabic and Portuguese.
Personally, before I knew how to pronounce it correctly, I thought that this was an ugly name. I was pronouncing it so that it sounded pretty close to fat-ma. Fuh-TEEM-uh is really quite pretty, in my opinion. I'm so glad that I finally heard the correct pronunciation of Fatima this year. It's really won me over.
Let's face it, any name with "fat" in it will be persecuted mercilessly by anglophone bullies.
Do you know how many people are called Fatima? Haha, it's on the top 10 of name lists in several countries. So, I think it's good to be called Fatima. I mean, do you think people will make fun of Felix because it has 'licks' or 'fel?'
This name is quite common in lots of places isn't it? It's not one of my faves, but it's okay. Lots of people in Brazil are called Fatima.
In Morocco you'll find many Fatimas. Tradition has been to name at least one daughter (usually the first) after the Prophet's daughter. It's normal to find an old granny named Fatima, with a daughter named Fatima, who has a niece named Fatima. (like with my in-laws).I didn't like the name Fatima much when I was little, but I like it more these days. Not only is the name popular in Muslim countries, but also in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking areas.
It's a lovely name, but I can't imagine what hell it must be to be called 'Fatima' if you're at all overweight. Kids can be cruel.
Oh G-d, a name can be of one of more nationality or origin, you small minded IDIOTS! So cut this 'actually it's Arabic' crap because it is 101% definitely BOTH Portuguese and Arabic, and I have also met many different cultures with this name. I was born in Fátima, which IS a place in Portugal, and I have met many, many, many Portuguese Fatima's in my life. It's an okay name, nothing particularly special, but it's okay.
I hate to burst your bubble, but Fatima's origins are in the Arabic language. The village you are referring to was named after a Moorish (Spanish citizens of Arabic descent) princess. The only reason Fatima became popular in Portugal is because three peasant children of the famed village claimed to see the Virgin Mary appear in 1917. Catholics picked up the name in honor of the "sighting."
I LOVE THIS NAME! Here in England it is actually quite popular, as several girls in my school are named this. Yes it has Arabic origin, though I know of some Hindus with this name - though if you stop and think about it, cultures and religions are constantly swapping names, for example Zara Phillips.
Fatima is the name of Prophet Mohammed's daughter.
It's actually of Arabic origin! And pronounced FAH-TIM-AH.
Fatima in Portugal is the site of Mary's famous apparitions to three shepherd children.
Fatima is a character in Paulo Coelho's novel The Alchemist.

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